
Showing posts from August, 2019

Peel off the mosaic tile chip

This glass and metal backsplash tile is mounted on a sturdy mesh tile sheet, could easily cut by a scissors, DIY is also good.

Hominter Iridescent Glass and Metal Tile Linear Mosaic Wall Tiles

This backsplash tile is made of crystal glass and stainless steel chips, it has "Rainbow" finish, you will see different colors from different angles. It may looks like green, blue, purple, pink, yellow etc. The tile actually made of clear white glass. If you put this tile near white walls, you will show white color. If you like the look of stainless steel appliances, but dislike the idea of an entire kitchen backsplash made of stainless steel tiles, then mixing glass with stainless steel might warm things up a little bit, and help you to achieve that contemporary kitchen design without making it too cold. Resistance to scratch, great for bathroom floors, bathroom walls, showers, kitchen backsplash and kind of interior application.